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Warning! Site last updated 2001

Direction finder (distances in km from Vieux-Ruffec: Ruffec 15, Confolens 20, Angoulème 45, Poitiers 70, Limoges 70, Bordeaux 150, Paris 350) vide Location in France
All distances are approximate and measured as the crow flies; road distances will be 10-20% greater.
Vieux-Ruffec is in Charente Confolentaise, 3 km north-west of Champagne-Mouton.

Commune of Vieux-Ruffec: summary 2001
Number of inhabitants: 86 (inc. several pensioners and 11 school-age children)
Number of homes: 45
Main activity: agriculture
Mairie, telephone:
  address: Mairie de Vieux-Ruffec, 16350 VIEUX-RUFFEC, FRANCE
  office hours: Mondays and Thursdays 10:00-12:00
  Mayor: Mr Roland Barrier
  1st Assistant: Mr Gérard Banliat
Dates for your diary: annual méchoui (lamb roast): 2nd Sunday in July

Oh, to be in Vieux-Ruffec...

Its rolling countryside, its greenery and its peacefulness are appreciated by walkers and cyclists as well as artists and bird-watchers.

Its church, which dates back to the 11th century, is a handsome structure flanked by fragrant lime-trees, just a stone's-throw from the lavoir (communal washing-place).

On the other side of the D176 road, nestling into the hillside, is a large house which was, until the sixties, the local bar, general store and even the smithy. Continuing westwards, past the cemetery, soon brings you to the mairie and, beside it, the building which used to be the primary school. All these places speak of a former generation, of a community enlivened by a larger population than there is today. But it must be said that there's still plenty of life in the games of boules which take place behind the mairie on Saturdays and Sundays.

From the administrative centre on the valley floor, reaching all other parts of the commune means going up: a short distance away, an avenue - or rather a tunnel - of acacias leads to Chez Galard, with its production of goats' milk; to the west, La Martinerie is noted as much for the variety of its domestic fowl and animals as for the extent of its noble buildings; to the east, La Simonie is also an impressive size. Near it lies a wooded pond which is occasionally set off by almost motionless cattle, as if in one of Constable's paintings. The pond at Peumant, at the southern extreme of the commune, looks altogether different, forming as it does the centre of the village. It is from Peumant that a steep hill leads down to the magnificent viaduct which provides a starting-point for bicycle rides, without hills or traffic, along the disused railway line.

Pages historiques (in French only)

Picture Gallery

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Vieux-Ruffec (197 KB) Champagne-Mouton (190 KB) Ruffec (195 KB)

Links to other sites

The following sites, each with their respective links, provide a mixed bag of perspectives on the north-east of the département of Charente. cybevasion

A useful national site...
Météo-France (weather information)
Météo-France nearby villages:   Moutonneau

Page created and donated by Finedyne Ltd, August 1999.
  • This is not the 'official page' of any Charente organisation.
  • Whilst we have made every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate, we cannot guarantee the reliablity of the said information, and would advise you to check with the relevant organisations.
  • Reproduction of the logos of Météo-France, Logis de France and Les Routiers is forbidden except in compliance with the conditions of the organisations to which they belong. The other graphic images, photos and text appearing on this page are the property of Finedyne Ltd, who grant unrestricted re-use of the material.
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